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JPW-EC10064 #1

Evans NPG Racing Coolant - 1/2 Gallon

JPW  |  Part# JPW-EC10064

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Evans Waterless NPG Engine Coolant

Evans Waterless Coolant NPG engine coolant is designed for race tracks and other racing venues that allow for propylene glycol-based coolants. It's a proprietary base fluid specially-formulated for motorcycles, drag racing, circle track, and boat engines. It contains no silicates or phosphates, and requires no supplemental coolant additive. This coolant has a boiling point of 375 degrees F and offers protection to temperatures as low as -40 degrees F. Evans NPG coolant will reduce system pressure, prevent overheating, maximize BHP, and provide unbeatable protection against corrosion and electrolysis.

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  · Cooling » Coolant & Additives